An interesting week. The demolition of the white house next to our field was fixed for Tuesday, but was deferred until Thursday.

Sundry JCBs arrived and work in earnest started on Thursday. I was fairly sanguine about the demolition, but this coincided with another large piece of plant hauling a heavy roller around the yard. This was the roller I had initially taken against so markedly when parked next to the school in my lesson with Fran last Sunday. Yesterday, it also had a revolving brush attached to the front to sweep up at considerable speed, noise and dustiness in preparation for the clinic today. Although Dibbs and Cricket more or less ignored it, this resulted in my becoming anxious, snorting and leaping about and being a tad difficult to bring in. Dad found this challenging with the yard gates open for the construction traffic. Fortunately, I was eventually persuaded to come in without actually visiting Lapworth and was put straight into my stable to calm and then have my tea.

Today I grazed all day with Dibby and Cricket and watched the partial demolition including the chimney coming down and only ran away once. I came in very calmly, which shows that it was really only the sweeping machine that worried me unduly yesterday.

After the clinic today, Dad hopes we may be able to school tomorrow. Cobs usually try to be stoical about new experiences, but realistically perhaps can only really be expected to be brave about one thing at a time.
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