A dismal start to the day, dull, dark, dank and drizzling. Cobs are fond of alliteration. When Dad arrived before nine he found Edward had kicked some long fencing rails down overnight and the fence was left invitingly open. Once Other Dad arrived to assist, Dad had a go at running repairs with his hammer and pliers before we could be put out to graze. When that was done and we were out, he could attend to our stables, water and feeds. Such are the privileges and entitlements of cob ownership.
what a shame they noticed and you couldn't come and have a visit in our field...we all spent ages following your instructions on how to take a fence post down.
We will have to try harder next time
Harvey x
We would have quite liked to skip over and visit the mares in the next field, but Dad was a spoil sport and put the rail back up. I keep telling Dibby he's not going steady with Viola but he won't believe me.
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