After school
We went into the school and had company during our session, including Tod, Gem and Jethro. Everyone just got on with their schooling and were very well behaved.
We carried on working on softness and roundness, much the same as yesterday. Again I found the flies difficult. I'm sure they bother me more than other horses, but that may be paranoia, itself an unusually long word for a cob.
My irritability meant that rein back was occasionally quite exciting.
We ran (literally at times) through Prelim 1 for a change. Dad was pleased with the canter transitions but disappointed with the way it fell apart and my general wobbliness. We will return to it quietly and go through each element separately before trying to tie it all together again - or that's the plan anyway.
After schooling, we came in and I was untacked and given an apple. It took two hosing downs to cool me off today. I had half an hour with the tens machine to soothe my back. I only shook it off onto the concrete floor once. With my fly rug on Other Dad put me out again for an hour or so with Dibby. Dad took a snap of us going out. I'm the serious one on the left.
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