Visit from Sara
I told her about my worries about the future and what might happen to me and that I missed our work. I described and my soreness: my right hip and the stabbing pain going down from the hip, my right hock and ham strings compensating. I have been suffering from a virus and my kidneys and urinary tract have been sore. I have been kicking the area underneath my stomach to flag up this discomfort but this in turn hurts my tummy muscles.
My left knee burns - possibly arthritic. I am turning my left hoof to the outside possibly to compensate for the discomfort. I pawed the ground and grew restless at times but was soothed by the healing along my back.
When I canter on the left-hand rein I lean on the forehand to spare the strain on my sacral muscles. Given my level of discomfort, Sara is concerned whether I should canter at all.
We talked about my saddle too. It was pressing on the lumbar region on the left side at the back of the saddle. I have strong memories of what it was like before the saddle was adjusted and Dad will have to show me what it's like now.
My diet is spot-on but I would like a good quality salt lick.
Sara recommended more work in hand and no cantering with some early treatment by Halena. Dad should continue with regular massage, particularly my back end - and use of the TENS. He needs to keep an close eye on the possible problem with my sheath and consult the vet if the kicking persists. He must make sure I am kept warm and perhaps get some leg-wraps for these cold nights.
Generally, Dad was advised to work with me in hand avoiding any small circles and to ride large around the arena in walk when the ground isn't too hard if I looked more comfortable.
Sara saw Cricket after me. Apparently he was very chatty - unlike me. Some cobs like to think of themselves as the strong and silent types.