
The unspoiled world of senior cobs, David and Master Dibble

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Visit from Sara

The reiki consultation with Sara, which had to be postponed owing to the heavy snow, was rearranged for today. I went out to graze for a couple of hours and came in at 10.30 and stood quietly with a hay net. Sara saw me in my stable with Dad standing in the corner.

I told her about my worries about the future and what might happen to me and that I missed our work. I described and my soreness: my right hip and the stabbing pain going down from the hip, my right hock and ham strings compensating. I have been suffering from a virus and my kidneys and urinary tract have been sore. I have been kicking the area underneath my stomach to flag up this discomfort but this in turn hurts my tummy muscles.

My left knee burns - possibly arthritic. I am turning my left hoof to the outside possibly to compensate for the discomfort. I pawed the ground and grew restless at times but was soothed by the healing along my back.

When I canter on the left-hand rein I lean on the forehand to spare the strain on my sacral muscles. Given my level of discomfort, Sara is concerned whether I should canter at all.

We talked about my saddle too. It was pressing on the lumbar region on the left side at the back of the saddle. I have strong memories of what it was like before the saddle was adjusted and Dad will have to show me what it's like now.

My diet is spot-on but I would like a good quality salt lick.

Sara recommended more work in hand and no cantering with some early treatment by Halena. Dad should continue with regular massage, particularly my back end - and use of the TENS. He needs to keep an close eye on the possible problem with my sheath and consult the vet if the kicking persists. He must make sure I am kept warm and perhaps get some leg-wraps for these cold nights.

Generally, Dad was advised to work with me in hand avoiding any small circles and to ride large around the arena in walk when the ground isn't too hard if I looked more comfortable.

Dad texted Halena and arranged to fix and appointment after the weekend. He also discussed the present position with Fran who had been due to give a lesson today. Hopefully I will be feeling more comfortable in time for her next visit.

Sara saw Cricket after me. Apparently he was very chatty - unlike me. Some cobs like to think of themselves as the strong and silent types.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hay there...

Monday, January 25, 2010


Both Dads have had yet another heavy cold and cough since the middle of last week and could only manage to attend to our stables, feeding and grooming each day - so a few lunge-free days.

Back into the groove however when we came in after a grim grey winter's day out in the field.

Dad lunged me in my saddle and Newmarket for half an hour. We worked in trot and walk and I behaved very well, so Dad was pleased. Then in for grooming and tea. Dad will have to decide whether to try to ride me before the reiki session with Sara followed by a lesson with Fran scheduled for Saturday. Cobs are less troubled by such decisions than their Dads.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rainy Friday

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dibby in his mauve rug

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grazing in the rain in new shoes

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lungeing under saddle

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today was the third or so day without snow. We spent the day out in the field and Dad brought me in at 2.45. Dibby stayed out with Cricket with Max next door.

I hadn't been ridden since my last mini bucking incident on 14th December. Since then the school had been frozen, snowed under or flooded for all but three or so days. My back and saddle had been checked and my saddle adjusted and reflocked. Dad had made an appointment for Sara to give me a reiki consultation before trying to resume again but our appointment had been cancelled owing to snow. We have been rearranged for 31 January and before then Dad wants to resume lungeing without and then with a saddle and to try to ride again -hopefully with a lesson too - all subject to the weather and school surface.

Anyway, today was our start. We had the school to ourselves and Dad walked me around in hand on large circles on both reins to begin. He put my Newmarket on. I wore my bridle and was lunged with two long lunge lines. We worked in walk and trot on both reins for twenty five minutes and or so. My transitions down and up were prompt and obedient and the session went really well. Dad didn't canter me on the lunge because I find it difficult and he didn't want to spoil it by getting over-excited.

Dad was pleased with how in went and brought me in after half an hour. He then brought Dibby in and we both had grooming and tea. Tomorrow weather permitting I will be lunged under saddle. Cobs understand a slow but sure approach.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday after the snow

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Thaw point on Friday

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Out in the snow again

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yet more mutual grooming out of the snow

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

By the gate in the snow

Monday, January 11, 2010

More snow

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back out in the snow