Visit from the farrier

When it had abated Dad groomed me and applied Tecsin to my hooves and put me out to graze in my fly fringe. Today I didn't settle without Dibby and stood by the gate until his shoeing was finished and he was brought out too. This was the second time he had the remeidial shoeing on his front hooves with mesh and plastic padding for support. It was a very neat job. I was happier when he came out and we mutual groomed (as best we could with Dibbs in his muzzle) and then got our heads down to graze.
It rained on and off in the afternoon and so when we were brought in at 5.15, Dad groomed us again and gave us tea in our stables - so we had a day without schooling. Like pupils missing a lesson, cobs are pleased to miss out on schooling from time to time.
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