Awaiting spring
Dad found me a little lethargic, even when we ran through Prelim 1 a few times. My canter was stilted and I coughed when we stopped. Dad wondered if this was as a result of dry haylage or if I was chesty but went easy and we took it gently for the rest of the session. He may give me tomorrow off and can consult Liz on Sunday when we are scheduled to have a lesson.
Dibby returned from his hack as I finished in the school .We were groomed and at 12.50 put out to graze in our new zealands since it had grown much cooler. We had a pleasant afternoon out and came in at 4.30 for more grooming and tea. It's a funny, unhealthy time of year just now -neither full winter nor spring. Cobs look forward to spring proper.
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