
The unspoiled world of senior cobs, David and Master Dibble

Thursday, September 17, 2009

600 posts and our check-ups

I've just noticed: this seems to be my 600th posting on Cobmalian. Who'd have thought it? English cobs don't get to be cobs of note, or whatever it's called, since we aren't cool or conversant with the internet or motor bikes or frilly designer whatnots and all the stuff beloved of twenty-something blogmeisters, so hooray for Dibby and me. And back to cob-business: Halena visited us this afternoon for our six monthly physio check-up.

It was my turn first. I was walked and trotted up and Halena was pleased with my progress. She said my pelvis was much more level and only felt some slight tension behind the saddle on my right side.

Dad has to continue to exercise as before, use the TENs machine and continue with regular massage. That was very satisfactory.

Dad had to go and collect Dibby from the field since he had been playing a game and didn't want to come in whilst Cricket was still out. He succumbed to a carrot.

Halena was pleased with Dibby too. His back muscles have improved and he doesn't have such tight lumbars and weak thoracic muscles any more. His left side is stiffer and the left of his neck is slightly more tense, so Dad has to do more massage for him too.

Overall Halena was pleased and says that we can go through to our next check up in six months.

We celebrated this with an apple and our teas. Cobs don't need much excuse.


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