Cantering in the rain

The greyness continued into the weekend. Other Dad topped up our haylage first thing, but left us in our rugs since it was still quite cool.
Dad came down at 11.00 and took me in the school in my double bridle. He said he wanted to practice the things we covered in our lesson yesterday. I noticed he had put a plaster on the fourth finger of his right hand, rubbed raw in the lesson and also wore gloves. I don't think he will make the mistake of riding without gloves for a while.
We worked quite well in between showers and surprising gusts of wind. Sue had called into the yard and watched. We did Prelim1 and it went well, so Dad was pleased.
By this time we had been joined in the school by Other Dad on Dibby, Caroline on Leo and Ali on Pheonix, most of whom were practising canter, so we did too. Again, Dad was quite pleased with the upwards transitions and some resonable regular steps.
We came in just before another major shower to be groomed and given treats and put out to graze whilst Dad got on with the stables.
By the time Dad and Other Dad arrived to bring us in it was 5.00 and I was standing by the gate. As ever, Dibby just carried on eating and wandered over when they arrived. They hosed our hooves and groomed us before putting us in our stables and giving us our tea with extra carrots and an apple. I save my carrots and eat them later whilst Dibby eats his immediately. That's diversity for you; it's a cob thing.
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