Sunny Spring Wednesday

Another warm and sunny day. We stayed in during the first part of the morning with our haylage - since Dad and Other Dad are worried about our weight this Spring. Dad said he would now reduce my hard feed like Dibbs - so it's just as well there's lots of grass just now.
Dad came down at 11.00 and took me in the school again in my pelham. We did some good work in walk, trot and canter - although I struggled with my upwards canter transition when we practised Prelim 1. Dad says he will ask Teacher Steve to work on this in our lesson on Friday.
Other Dad schooled Dibby too - and they did some good work - particularly in trot.
Once inside, Dad hosed me down slowly and I cooled off and went out to graze. Dibby joined me later after he had been washed down. No rugs, fly fringes on and plenty of fly spray.
We were allowed to stay out until 4.45 or so. When Dad brought Dibby and I in, it left Leo in the field alone. Although Dad pointed out to Katie that Leo didn't look too happy, she had to finish bathing Vadio and quick as a flash Leo jumped over the fence into the next field to find some company. Dad went out with his hammer and put the fence rail back in place. They should understand, he's only four and gets lonely quickly. I remember when they left me out for a few minutes on my own in the dark a few months back; I got quite fractious and I'm a cob of 13.
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