Heavy rainshowers are forecast intermittently over the latter part of the week and so Dad was keen to get in some more schooling today. Whilst Dibby went for a hack, we went in the school in my snaffle and practiced in walk, trot and canter. Dad is trying to be firmer and clearer in the contact and to sit up more. We did a lot of halt/walk transitions and concentrated on roundness, straightness and submission with varying effect. Some of out canter transitions showed a real improvement.It went quite well and we worked for fifty minutes or so.
When we came in Dad gave me a bath and shampooed my tail. I was dried, given an apple and put out to graze. Dibby joined me after his hack and a bath.
We came in at 5.00 after our stables were prepared and were groomed and given tea. I was still clean and shiny after my bath. Dibbs had rolled as usual, but wasn't muddy. Dad says I'm cleaner than the average cob. He obviously doesn't think a cob would understand the word "fastidious".
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