Home and dry

When Dad came at 11.00 it was drizzling but cleared up for an hour or so. We warmed up on a long rein and then with lateral exercises in walk and some trot and canter. A row of trotting poles was laid out in the school and we walked and trotted over them both ways.
Dibby joined me after a while and we walked and trotted together, including over the poles, which was fun. Dad was pleased with my movement and that I became reasonably soft and round in both walk and trot by the end of the session.
We came in and Dad gave me a massage and apple before Dibby and I were put out to graze in our rain sheets. It drizzled a little. We came in at about 4.30 before yet more heavy rain. I was pleased to be in my stable having tea. Cobs understand what it means to be home and dry.
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