Another dry and sunny morning. Dibby and I were taken into the school. Meg was having a lesson in three quarters of the arena and Dibby and I tried to keep out of the way in the rest. We worked separately for a while practising walk and trot and some lateral work and then I ran through Prelim 1 as Other Dad watched. My canter tranasitions and trot were a little better. Dad carried his crop but didn't have to use it and I went forward better. We finished off walking and trotting around together. Dad was pleased with the session.
After an apple each and some minties we went out to graze and came in after 4.00. Rob the vet saw Leo yesterday and said he had an absess which wasn't a serious as tendon trouble so he should be back in our field in a few days. We shall continue to make the best of the pleasant weather. Cobs enjoy winter sunshine.
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