Monday morning started wet and cold. It was also quite windy. Dad took me in the school at noon, whilst Dibby went on a hack. We practised mainly in walk and trot with lots of lateral work and walk/halt transitions. My neck softened fairly well and my jaw did too eventually. We didn't canter much today since Dad felt the quality of my trot needed improvement. We worked on that and did some reasonably impressive walk on both reins.
Dibby and I went out to graze at 1.10 and came in at 4.30, again well within our restricted allocation of four hours.
The mud was hosed off our hooves and we were groomed in readiness for our stables and tea. Dad says the forecast for the next few days is for prolonged rain. We have some schooling hours in reserve and may have some time off. Cobs look forward to mid-winter schooling holidays
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