Dibby's perio pocket
After much running around Other Dad was able to get Dibby an extra-large muzzle for use from tomorrow.
Mark came with a colleague and lots of equipment, including a gas cylinder, to deal with his pocket or cavity in the gum. Elspeth the vet came to sedate Dibby. It took three injections to calm him down. The equipment was used to blow away the accumulated debris from Dibby's gum and to prepare the space with some material to inhibit this in the future. This seems to be quite a new treatment and Mark took some digital photographs.
Dibby was very brave and sleepy and kept wobbling but didn't fall over. Dad gave me my tea whilst this was going on and I could watch through the bars into Dibby's stable.
When the treatment was finished Both Dads stayed with Dibby until he woke up properly. He was able to have his tea two hours afterwards and Other Dad came back and checked him at 10.00. It was a long and costly day for us all, but worth it. Cobs value their teeth.
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