A lesson was going on in the other part of the school and we confined ourselves to the top section in front of the mirrors until it had finished. To begin, we did a lot of work in walk on a long rein and then in medium, adding shoulder fore and leg yield to gain roundness. We leg yielded into and out of circles and went up into rising and sitting trot with a little canter.
Dad was reasonably pleased with the session although we were nowhere near consistently round and soft. We came in for an apple and minties. When I was untacked and the washbox became available I was hosed down to cool off and dried before going out to graze in my fly mask.
Dibby joined me for the afternoon on his return. We stayed out until 4.30. I was quite glad to come in to cool off and have tea and more minties. Black cobs absorb the heat and are pleased to cool down.
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