Declining into Whitsun
We worked on a large arena shape taking up half the school and started off with a lot of walk on a long rein. We movedup to medium walk and added halts, shoulder fore, leg-yield going large and into and out of twenty metre circles. We went up into sitting and rising trot and practised canter transitions.
We then went through Prelim 17 twice and after trying some canter going arge, cooled off on a long rein. Dad was pleased with my obedience during the session.
Coming in, I was quite warm and, after untacking, I was hosed down and given an apple and minties before joining Dibby for the afternoon.
We came in after 5.00 after a sunny afternoon. I managed to keep my fly mask on which pleased Dad. We were groomed and had tea. Cobs enjoy a comfortable day.
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