The unspoiled world of senior cobs, David and Master Dibble
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
We came in after forty minutes for grooming and an apple and I joined Dibby for the afternoon, coming in at about 5.00. Sometimes, cobs are satisfied with a workmanlike day.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Squeaking of joy
Dibby and I were hosed dwon and given an apple and minties before going out for the afternoon. Dibby squeaked as we cantered off on being released in the field. Even senior cobs aren't above the odd squeak of joy.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Perking up
Another warm and sunny day. Dad took me in the school at 11.30 and again worked mainly in walk concentrating on getting round, soft and on the bit -with varied success. We worked large and in circles with some lateral work and halt transitions. Dibby joined us and we walked and trotted around together and split up to do more trot and some canter. Dad says we just need to keep plugging away to become more consistent.
We came in first and I was hosed down and given an apple -as was Dibby. We then had some snaps taken.
Since we didn't go out until 2.00, we spent a longish afternoon out at grass and came in at 5.30 for grooming and tea. I was quite sleepy when we came in but perked up for my tea. Cobs normally perk up for their tea.
We came in first and I was hosed down and given an apple -as was Dibby. We then had some snaps taken.
Since we didn't go out until 2.00, we spent a longish afternoon out at grass and came in at 5.30 for grooming and tea. I was quite sleepy when we came in but perked up for my tea. Cobs normally perk up for their tea.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Tending towards optimism
We worked mainly in walk concentrating on roundness and staying on the bit. Dad was pleased with our work. I was straighter than last time and coming up better from behind and didn't evade as much. We did some lateral work, trot and canter before finishing off on a long rein.
We came in to be hosed off and put out to graze in my fly mask .Dibby joined me after his hack and we stayed out together until coming in at 5.30 for grooming and tea. We think we may have tomorrow off; cobs tend towards optimism
Friday, June 01, 2007
A change
Kate persevered very patiently with my various evasions and unwillingness to keep still in the halt and I did some good work on both reins and eventually softened onto the bit. As usual my left rein was better but by the end I was round and had steadied my head and was working properly from behind and tracking well.
Dad took over and I continued to work on the bit and to warm down.
I spent the afternoon out with Dibby and we came in for grooming and tea after 5.00. It's always interesting to be ridden by someone new; cobs enjoy a change occasionally.