
The unspoiled world of senior cobs, David and Master Dibble

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tending towards optimism

A hot and sunny Saturday. Dad took me in the school late morning. Leo was schooling over poles and a grid whilst I was at the other end of the school. Dad says it improves my concentration to share but I prefer the company anyway.

We worked mainly in walk concentrating on roundness and staying on the bit. Dad was pleased with our work. I was straighter than last time and coming up better from behind and didn't evade as much. We did some lateral work, trot and canter before finishing off on a long rein.

We came in to be hosed off and put out to graze in my fly mask .Dibby joined me after his hack and we stayed out together until coming in at 5.30 for grooming and tea. We think we may have tomorrow off; cobs tend towards optimism


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