Dibby's moments
Dad had been a little under the weather and had the day at home. He was just getting ready to come to the yard at four to attend to our stables and bring us in when Auntie Gemma rang to say Dibby had got tangled up in his rug in the field and that she had kindly brought us in.
On arriving in record time, Dad found Dibby in his stable and his rug outside thoroughly ripped up from one end to the other. Needless to say, you won't be seeing Dibbs in his dashing pink and blue lightweight again. Fortunately, Dibby hadn't hurt himself when he became entangled, other than getting somewhat stressed. He soon calmed down and ate his tea and settled down to his hay net.
I just stood there as Dad took off my rug and groomed me and gave me my tea. I admit I did give Dad a hard time a few days ago, when I got excited in the high wind and made it an interesting experience for Dad to get me from the field to my stable. As today showed, it's not always me though. Although Dibby is a very sensible senior cob, he is entitled to his moments too - particularly when itchiness and rugs are concerned.
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