
The unspoiled world of senior cobs, David and Master Dibble

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Internal error stopped snap

Fun trying to blog today (late Friday actually, regardless of the above). First time around the mighty machine refused to upload a fetching photo of me in the school and says it was prevented by an internal error or some such. After several attempts I gave up and wrote the rest of this posting and then tried again with a positive outcome. I was tempted to wonder if such mundane things happened on sci-fi biker cutesie designer photojournalist blogs beloved of the skateboarding junior masters of the blogosphere but guess that's just an uncoblike paranoia.

Anyroadup, picture or not, back to today - or yesterday as it shall be by the time I get round to posting this after being stymied by the intermittently faulty software, blogflaw, cyberbooboo, googlehiccup, postglitch or whatever the term is.

Both Dads were busy again all morning so we went out at nine to graze in our rugs. We stayed out until four or so. After being groomed, Dibby went in for his tea straight away but Dad took me in the school for fifty minutes or so.

At the top end of the school, Rosa was having her lesson for the first part then Max. I shared the bottom end with Meg.

We worked in walk and trot to begin stretching and flexing largish and on a circle with plenty of halt walk/trot transitions leg-yield and shoulder-fore. We tried a few rein backs, but I was quite resistant, but eventually co-operated well.

We also did some canter on the left rein. Dad was pleased that I completed several complete circles. This was the first time we had cantered in several weeks owing the the surface. The school was getting busier when Dad wanted to work on right-hand canter and since this is my more exciting rein he held off and we will work on that next time when it's quieter and we have even more space. Dad doesn't normally like to canter unless we work on both reins so he will avoid misjudging that in future. We finished off stretching on a long rein and came in for grooming and tea. For Dad it felt like the end of a long week. I enjoyed the minties and extra apple. That's a cob's perspective.


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