Rob the vet visited me in the field as Dad was bringing me in and agreed to hold back new treatment a little longer to see if I kicked myself and started the round of infections again. If this happens we will proceed with the more potent protocol and cleanse thoroughly and apply the new stronger bactericidal ointment several times before re-applying the stallion broth. Dad hopes that this will not be necessary but will follow that advice if needed. He fears this is likely but hopes the current less invasive approach might work and will persevere as long as is sensible.
Rob also said I needed more exercise and so Dad took me in the arena at 3.30 for forty minutes and schooled me in walk and trot as per our lesson on Saturday. Again, I behaved well and concentrated and Dad was pleased.
When we came in I was hosed down to cool off and Dad then brought Dibby in and we stood quietly whilst he finished off our stables and teas. Cobs excel at at standing quietly.
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