Topping day

We stood in our stable with our haylage until 11.00 when both Dads came. Other Dad took Dibbs for a hack and Dad schooled me in my snaffle. We did 90% of the work in walk trying to increase roundness but also did a little trot and canter.
We worked for an hour or so and were then hosed down in the washbox. We were only outside grazing for an hour or so because the man came with a red tractor to top the field. At this point Leo decided to run around and get excited, so Dad and Becky brought us all in.
Dibbs and I stood by our stables with haylage whilst Dad did the stables. He was hoping to put us out for a few more hours when the field was topped, but unfortunately the red tractor broke down and he also was worried that the topped material would still be there in the field -and not good for us to eat. We had a lengthy groom and our teas and both Dads disappeared to watch England on TV. So we didn't have our usual four hours out in the field and the topping day was and wasn't topping really. Cobs do like a good pun.
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