Dancing in the dark

After spending the day out in the field, Dibby and I came in at 4.30 to be groomed and tacked up for a group lesson with Liz at 5.30.
By the time we went out it was dark and foggy and the lights were on in the school. Our group consisted of Patch, Meg, Kamara, Dibby and me. We started with some work in walk with halt transitions to get used to the conditions which included some fireworks in the distance. We steered clear of the fence until we had grown accustomed to the gloom. Dad worked on breathing, relaxation, stretching legs, heels down, stomach in, back straight and shoulders back.
When we had warmed up a little we trotted large and in twenty metre circles at each corner and practised leg yield in walk and trot. We focussed on softness and roundness and generally remaining on the bit. My favourite part was showing lengthened strides in an extended trot on the longside - which was fun and quite exciting. Dad said I pointed my toes and did exend somewhat.
As the others walked around, we each cantered alone in a circle at the centre of the arena. I struck off on the correct leg and sustained the canter reasonably well, but we need to practice. We finished off with some good quality trot. Each member of the group behaved well and no-one shied. Our homework for the next session will be to focus on roundness and practice the canter and trot so that I can complete a whole circuit of the arena whilst still properly on the bit.
We came in to be groomed, rugged up and given an apple and minties as a treat and then tea. Dad was very pleased that I was obedient in the dark and worked well. The lesson was fun. I enjoy a group session; cobs are normally extremely sociable like that.
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