Another Bank Holiday

After yesterday's inactivity Both Dads wanted to give us some exercise this morning. Dad came down at 10.00 and took me in the school between showers in my double bridle. The fences were still up from the jumping clinic yesterday, including over the area normally marked off for dressage, so we couldn't trun through a test.
We did a lot of work in walk and trot on both reins and practised softenening to gentle flexions. We did a little shoulder in and some leg yield and worked on upwards canter transitions. Dad was pleased with my reponsiveness and for a while tucked the curb rein away and rode me using only the snaffle. We aslo worked on walking on a long rein and doing a slow trot on a long rein - to get me to loosen up and stretch my neck.
Other Dad also schooled Dibby. The forecast predicted heavy showers in the afternoon, so we were put out in our lightweight rugs. Both Dads disappeared home for a break and returned to prepare our stables at 3.00. When we came in, Leo decided to knock down the temorary fencing around the gate area, which Dad had to reconstruct. Once inside, we had our hooves hosed and were groomed and given tea. Not really a memorable weekend with the weather too wet and the yard too busy. Fortunately unlike our Dads sometimes, we cobs are pretty stoical. There again, we are fed, watered, exercised and housed in a cosy stable every day; Dad says "stoical" is the least we should be and perhaps he's right.
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