Box rest over

Today is Monday 19th June 2006 - bythe way. After two day's box rest, Dibby would be allowed out to graze in the field today...hooray! Dad took me in the school in my snaffle at 11.00 whilst Other Dad hacked Dibby down the road. The vet had directed that Dibby only do straight lines for the present, so they hacked to the end of the road and back along the same route without mishap.
Dad schooled me like yesterday, mainly in walk with lots of leg yield, shoulder in and halt/walk transitions. After 15 minutes or so, I was softening well but was rather ungenerous on some of the halts, until Dad remembered to soften his hands once the aid had been given. We can call it a draw since he had a lot on his mind.
He also 'phoned the farrier to ask him to speak to the vet about changing Dibb's front shoes.
We were then put out to graze. Dibby was very good and didn't canter off - though he was pleased to be outside. We did mutual grooming as best we could since Dibby was in his muzzle.
Dad sorted our stables and went home, returning about 4.15. We were groomed and given tea. I'm pleased Dibby is back with us in the field. I'm sorry I was so naughty in the halt, but cobs don't really do guilt.
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