Vet Day

A funny day. We were put out to graze at about 10.00 whilst both Dads attended to the stables. They then took Dibby in at 1.00, leaving me out in the field with Cricket. I stood at the gate with Cricket and whinnied as they took Dibbs away in the lorry.
They took Dibby to the equine clinic here they X-rayed all his legs. There had been an emergency case when they arrived and so they had to wait an hour. Both Dads looked silly in bright blue lead lined tabards during this process. The X-rays showed arthritic changes in Dibby's hocks, not surprising in 17 year old, paticularly the off-hind and the vet recommended treatment by injections. This was done after injections of local anaesthetic. Dibbs will also need treatment on his front legs in a few weeks.
The vet gave some painkiller and joint supplement to go in Dibby's feed and they brought him home with his hind legs bandaged up. I gave him a big whinny of welcome when he arrived since I was so pleased to see him. I had been brought in with Cricket earlier and Dad made a fuss of me and gave me some carrots and apple when Dibby had his tea. It was good to have Dibby back after his outing. I had missed him; cobs are very loyal and companionable.
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