When Dad came to see me this morning, I was lying down again, so he took some snaps and sat with me for a while and gave me more minties. I was then tacked up and taken in the school in my snaffle with Dibbs, but after twenty minutes or so it started to rain heavily and so we all gave up and came in. Rather than wait around for it to clear, we were untacked and put out to graze whilst Dad got on with the stables.
We came in to be groomed and given tea at about 5.00. Dad had wondered whether my apparent tiredness this morning signified anything and will double check when Rob the vet calls to give Dibby his second injection on Monday morning. I think it just meant I felt like a lie-in on an enervating, humid morning. Sometimes a lie-in is just a lie-in. Cobs are quite hot on free will.
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