Waiting for Dibby

After raining for most of the night, the deluge continued in the morning. Other Dad topped up our haylage at 8.15 and both Dads came back at 10.00. Dad groomed me and put me out in the field with Cricket, since it was far too wet to take me on the lorry to Solihull just to warm up. When Dad released me in the field, I squeaked a little and trotted off after having some minties, so Dad got the impression that I could cope with the disappointment of not going to the party.
It absolutely poured with rain during the morning, but Cricket and I weren't too bothered. We were very pleased to see Dibby come back at 2.15 and stood by the gate to welcome him when we saw the lorry arrive.
Dibby told us he had competed inside in Prelim 16 and had come joint first in the Championship and won a rosette with long ribbons and had had an apple, minties and a large haylage net on the lorry - so everyone was very pleased.
We grazed for the afternoon and came in at 5.00 for grooming and tea. Dad told me we would be going in the school tomorrow morning and spending some more time together, so no harm was done. I was pleased for Dibby's success after all his recent problems with his joints. Provided Dad's not involved and it doesn't extend to minties, cobs don't stoop to jealousy.
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