No business like show-cob business

When Gemma left Dad got back on and finished the session with some sitting trot, a little canter and a lot of walking around on a long rein to stretch and cool off.
I was hosed off when we came in and groomed before being put out in my new fly rug and fringe - as per the photograph! Dibby joined me when Other Dad finished his schooling. We grazed as Dad dealt with the stables and then went home.
He came back at 4.30 to put the beds down and bring us in - just as a thunder shower was starting. We ate our haynets outside the stables as he finished off. Then it was time to go in and have tea. It made a nice change to be ridden by Gemma today who hopefully will introduce us to some ridden cob competition later in the summer. We cobs do enjoy a change of scene, the chance to meet other horses and the challenge of competition, but aren't terribly competitive per se. It's so undignified. I would like to be a show cob one day, but will try not to let the fame go to my head. I'm ready for my mints now Mr De Mille.
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