Although it was colder, this morning was dry and bright. Other Dad took Dibby for a hack down the road and Dad took me in the school. Since my bit had rubbed the corner of my mouth a little he added two brown rubber protectors -not exectly smart, but funtional.
We rode at one end of the school whilst Tom Hill was ridden at the other. We warmed up and schooled as we had yesterday in walk, trot and canter with some lateral work and walk-halt, walk-trot and trot-canter transitions on both reins.
Dad was pleased with my paces and willingness to take the rein down and relax my neck.
When Sally had riden Tom, Dad asked if she wanted to sit on me again and Sally said she would. Sally is a very accomplished rider . We walked and trotted on both reins and did a little canter. We had fun doing some medium trot down the long side -which is very long in our arena. We then came in for an apple and some minties. Sally said I was a "real dude" and gave me a big carrot.
We came in to be groomed and given tea at 4.00. We like to have some exercise and time in the field. Cobs prefer it balanced.