Since Teacher Steve would be competing on Friday this week, he brought forward our lesson to Tuesday. Dad came down at 8.00 and groomed me and tacked me up in readiness. We had the school to ourselves and worked in my snaffle. We used today's lesson to simulate warming up before competition, but in walk. We began on a long rein and then shortened with lots of flexions to the inside and exercises to soften. We worked mainly on a circle and changed the rein a lot and did halt transitions with softening and flexions and then walking on.
Teacher Steve was pleased with my increased flexibility and stretching down and so the lesson went well. We then came in to be brushed and put out with Dibby in my fly rug and fringe.
The forecast was for the hottest day of the year so far, but fortunately there was at least a little breeze. Dad put up our beds and went home for a while. When he came back at 2.45, Dibby and I stood by the gate to show him we had had enough of the flies and wanted to come in. He brought us in and stood us by our stables with haylage. He hosed me off, but couldn't wash Dibby because Rob the vet was due at 3.30.
When Rob came Dibby was trtted uo and given flexion tests and more trotting. He was also lunged gently in the school. Rob thought Dibb's hocks were much improved and now turned his attention to the fore. After discussion, itwas agreed that he should have the first of three intra veinous injections to increase the production of sinovial fluid in about six joints. Rob gave the first injection in the stable and will give the two others in succeeding weeks . He left a supply of Danilon and would post the insurance report back tomorrow. He felt Dibby shouldn't do the group lesson next Monday, but could hack and start to do some pole work in the school to begin with.
Dad gave us our teas and settled us down. A funny day with a lesson for me and the vet for Dibby. I do worry about Dibbs. Cobs have the capacity to worry about others.